Brownies and Girl Scouts

May 1960. I think this was the night of some kind of ceremony.

I don’t remember what year I was a Brownie. I remember where we had meetings and our troup leader,Mrs. Barron  The meetings were at her house which also had a shoe store attached and was the family business.Not really sure how I ended up in that troup, because the girls were mostly from one of the other district schools( Chenango Bridge). They were also a year older then me.
Girl Scouts..that was the best. Troup leaders were Mrs. Foulkrod( whose daughter was the ultimate BFF) and Mrs. Roamancuk. The meetings were in the basement at the Foulkrod’s house. We earned badges, sold cookies and camped out together.I love those memories.Those are clear as glass. I still have my sash with badges on it.
Badges..sewing, roller skating, horseback riding were at the top of the list. I remember making a green plaid jumper ( with Mom’s help of course) and a poinsettia apron( another item probably hoarded here in my house). Horseback fun…Saturdays at a Whitney Point horse farm. We would go out on trails, I felt like Dale Evans. I remember Sharon Contro’s (Leighton) running away with her, which the rest of us were all very amused by.
Roller skating at Randall’s, also Saturday afternoons. Even after our badges were finished we spent Saturday afternoons there. Loved the last skate with the disco(wasn’t called that then)ball. My BFF Diane and I had a huge fight there over Donald Palmer. Why do I remember this stuff?
Camping…we went to a couple of GS Jamborees. The one thing I remember is Sharon Contro bringing bagels..first time I had a bagel.I think they were Lenders.
Cookie sales..we could go to houses without our parents and without fear. The Fifties and Sixties were really a kind time.
I also remember making bees wax candles and visiting Howe Caverns( which much  later would also be  an early first date for my husband and me).
I really LOVED Girl Scouts!
I will Blog about Girl Scout camp later.

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4 Responses to Brownies and Girl Scouts

  1. Sharon says:

    Oh Donna how funny! You remember so much…what it this about running away with me? I don’t remember that but I certainly do remember the meetings with Diane’s mom and Cathy R’s mom. Such fun times!!

  2. I loved girl scouts too. And my mom was the scout leader for a year or two!
    p.s. I still have my sash too 😉

  3. BTW, you look like Sarah in that picture. SOOO cute!

  4. Barb Dif says:

    wow I was in girls scouts but I am sure my mom sold my sash. You really do have quite a memory Donna

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